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CEO MESSAGE | EverSpectrum M&E Engineering Co., Ltd


We, EverSpectrum M&E Engineering Co., Ltd were founded since year 2014 with Professional Engineering Services for Building’s Mechanical and Electrical System.

We are able to provide the one stop solution in Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management with Creation, Innovative Idea, Implementation and Perspective Planning to get result orientation.

We always consider about the better engineering services to fulfill the customers’ requirement and satisfactions. We, EverSpectrum M&E Engineering Co., Ltd are not only turnkey contractor but also be able to provide the consultancy and project management team with reasonable budget and reliability quality control strategy.

We are young and enthusiastic engineering firm to create our organization with mutual understanding, team work, supporting each and other, positive attitude working spirit to achieve the quality work done.

We, EverSpectrum M&E Engineering Co., Ltd had completed and successfully handed over some projects but not the last are Hotel, Residential, Commercial and Industrial Building. We normally review and seek the solution for our activities, progress, development and future planning in weekly, monthly and annual basis to hit our milestone target.

We try to develop the young generation engineer to be as Professional Engineer, understanding in engineering ethics, business development and to support our country with contribution in technology, communication, and environmental preservation.

We are moving forward with our Motto :

Creativity is Our Strategy…..

Quality is Our Way…..